Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Microsoft Channel Partner Conference 2012

Microsoft Channel  Partner Conference
Tropicana City Mall
This is the first time i attend Microsoft conference which held in Cinema. All partners were given beg with Microsoft folder after register through the counter. Those flayers inside the folder is about Microsoft Server License package, Microsoft Office 365, Window 8, and a trial CD of Window Server 2012.

Before the conference started, me and my colleague visited to distributor booth to acquire their stamp chop for lucky draw form. There are around 7 distributor joining the conference and promoting their Microsoft courses, hardware and also free Microsoft Windows training.
Microsoft people giving Window 8 demo and it is awesome, their video clip really make people feel wanted to buy it. There are two mode in Window 8 which is desktop mode and tablet. The concept of Window 8 is actually combination of working plus lifestyle and entertainment. In tablet mode, there are many widget like weather, currency converter, social media update, news, photo gallery, media player and etc.
Beside that, the other strong point is parental lock. Microsoft are so considerate about family usage. Parent can control the time limit for their children account, it is so much convenience now. Window 8 is suitable for touchable laptop, you will love it once you experience window 8. Touchable laptop with window 8 gonna be hot in the market next year.
In the last, the lucky draw section which draw attention of everyone. Well, I happy to tell that I am the lucky winner of 40' SONY HD LCD TV. ^^

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

马六甲。一日游。出席婚宴 (17th November, 2012)

17日。 11月, 2012年 ( 阵雨)

一个下着雨的星期六清晨,在睡梦中醒过来后,随意的收拾着细软,为到马六甲一日游兼出席婚宴打点一切。大概11am左右,就驱车前往马六甲,出席晚上7pm在靠近Mahkota Parade, Melaka的Holiday Inn 大酒店婚宴酒席。虽然已经提前预订了靠近鸡场街(Jonker Street) 的酒店,考量到雨季这季节,加上隔天还有工作,临时决定当晚在婚宴过后直接回到吉隆坡。这一次,是一日行程, 没有过夜的打算。

高速大道上,雨下个不停,庆幸的是一路上车流量还算是通畅无阻,唯有靠近堵车热点,例如Seremban / Port Dickson / 大道出口的时候,车流量稍微的有点缓慢之外,大致上都ok. 我们决定取道 Alor Gajah 前往Melaka 市中心,一来可以避免Ayer Keroh 严重堵塞的情况,也可以减少缴交更昂贵的 大道“过路费”。 呵呵。。。

抵达市中心后,大约是下午1.35pm,打算前往品尝屋友介绍的Layer Cake (千层蛋糕), 顺道可以解决对于这蛋糕的相思之苦也。一路上,马六甲市还是一如既往地“繁忙”不已, 所幸对于马六甲的路线还算熟悉,轻而易举就经过了Place2Stay 酒店,抵达了Dataran Pahlawan (英雄广场)。我们把车停泊在Mahkota Parade 后,就直接步行前往寻找售卖千层蛋糕的“专门店”,那就是大名鼎鼎的 《Nadeja Cafe & Restaurant》。基本上,在马六甲市,除了Satay Celup, 鸡粒饭之外,你非常容易可以在不同的广场,小店家,发现到Nadeja Cafe的踪影。除了它真的很美味之外,我觉得这“Layer Cake" 可算是马六甲的一大特色之一。

在Mahkota Parade绕了一圈之后,发现这家Cafe 座落在广场的外面,也非常幸运很快的我们就被员工安排到了一个非常好的位置,可以坐下来细细的品尝美味的蛋糕, 下雨的午后真是悠闲自在。独自前往柜台单点了“Coffee Mocha和Mango yogurt 的口味”,一份是 RM 9.50, 还有加上两杯水果汁解渴。就像记忆中的口感一样,蛋糕入口的绵绵口感,充满芒果或咖啡摩卡的美味是真的会让人上瘾的。在细细的品尝过后,发觉到它的一层层的饼坯更是令我敬佩不已,薄薄的一片,细心的手工真的是不容易啊。

吃过美味的蛋糕后,时间还早,2.30pm。我俩打算步行前往隔邻新开张的Hatten Square 广场,和Dataran Pahlawan 广场逛逛,也因为下雨的关系,发现到广场之间都是接通的设计真的很是贴心。在Hatten Square 打了一转,发现到入口处已经布置了圣诞的装置,就决定把这场景给拍摄下来了。Hatten Square 就好像是马六甲市中心的IT 广场,大致上所有的IT 产品都可以在这一个广场都能够找得到。

之后,前往了新开的热点广场“英雄广场”,宽敞的设计,多样化的首饰产品,还有多元化的游乐设施,例如6D 影院,珊瑚水底世界等等。如果有时间,真的非常值得前往一逛哦! 现在,我只能说,马六甲并不是只有历史古迹可看,还有很多广场里面的设施都非常值得参观的。呵呵。。。 
大约4点左右,我们就回到Mahkota Parade的停车场取车,前往临近的小型酒店租用一家还蛮不错的酒店,梳洗一番才前往座落在对面的Holiday Inn 酒店出席婚宴。询问了几家酒店,最终给我们超值优惠的价格,梳洗一番,精神抖擞的前往婚宴场地。




婚宴过后,接近11pm, 我们就前往停车场取车,不打算做任何逗留,往吉隆坡的方向前进。一路上,看见AES 为 很多“塞车勇士” 留下纪念照的瞬间,闪光灯此起彼落,非常浪漫。在漆黑又下着雨的夜晚,照明了路途的寂寥。呵呵。。。 

2am, 抵达KL, 简易梳洗后,倒头入睡!

Music for Rainy Mood

There are few step you need to follow in order to enjoy the rainy mood...
Step 1:
Click on the following image to open at new browser tab and you will see a page with raining and thunder effect.

Step 2:
Click Play to the following music video or any music you think it is romantic.
Step 3:
Just think of the person you miss and enjoy.
Step 4:
Share to the person you like if you think it is good. :)