Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Giant World Tiny Me

Giant World Tiny Me

I always order big portion of food..

 move big step forward..

and choose a big game to play

don't forget an apple a day

live happily 

Yeah~ just enjoy your life ;)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

阵头 一家大小的温馨片

阵头 13/05/2012 TGV Kinta City
影 片 名:《 阵头 
英 文 名:DIN TAO Leader of the Parade
类别 :激励
导 演:冯凯





Great Experience With Comedian

Great Experience With Comedian
Show: PJ Laugh Fest
Date: 5th - 27th May 2012
Venue: PJ Live Art, Jaya One
Honestly I never attend to any show like this, but sense of humor of the comedian definitely will influence you. What you can learn from them is - The Perception of Life: Just Take It Easy!

The show we attend on 17th May was the Comedy Club KL, there are 3 comedian in the show who is Gary Eck, Owen Smith and Christophe Davidson but end up one of them was replaced by Vivek Mahbubani. Anyway, Vivek really surprising us with his humor story. Great laugh! haha..

The way the comedian tell the story and their face expression really make me laugh till my tear drop. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

起勢搖滾 Mr.

起勢搖滾 02/05/2012 GSC Tropicana Citymall

影 片 名:《 起勢搖滾 

英 文 名:Lives In Flames

类别 :激励

导 演:李志伦

这套戏会在马来西亚,五月三号上映。起势摇滚的故事有点像当初的 BEYOND日记---莫欺少年穷 ,一班音乐小子(Mr)如何几经波折而达到梦想的故事。很多明星客串如谭永伦,卢巧英,葉振棠等等。


对于Mr乐团的认识应该是从以下MV开始吧, 很摇滚的乐团,主唱的歌声有点像陈逸迅,但是摇滚版的。值得支持的团体!



Wednesday, May 2, 2012


逛场大部分的人潮都是来避暑,嘘~ 我也不例外。